battleground_prussia.jpg 14,49К 0 Количество загрузок: Battleground Prussia: The Assault on Germany's Eastern Front 1944-45 Автор: Prit Buttar Издательство: Osprey Publishing Год издания: 2010 Язык: English Количество страниц: 512 Формат: PDF In September 1944 the Soviet Army poured into German territory, flooding the martial heartland of the Reich, Prussia. Hopelessly outnumbered by the human wave of the Red Army, the Wehrmacht fought on with determination, but was gradually beaten back. This book describes the great battles that marked the Soviet conquest of Prussia, from Memel to Konigsberg, the Heiligenbeil Pocket to Danzig. Using accounts never before published in English, Prit Buttar looks at the campaign both from a command level, and from the perspective of normal soldiers on the front line.
Battleground Prussia The Assault on Germany's Eastern Front 17,23МБ 4 Количество загрузок: